Occupational Illnesses

Some work-related illnesses may develop over time due to exposure to hazardous substances or poor working conditions. We are experienced in pursuing a workers' compensation claim for occupational illnesses, such as respiratory conditions, repetitive stress injuries, or hearing loss. 

Denied Claims

If your initial workers' compensation claim has been denied, a Conway workers' compensation lawyer can appeal the decision and fight for your rights. At Derrick Law Firm Injury Lawyers, we understand the frustration and challenges that come with a denied claim, work to gather evidence, present a case, and advocate for the benefits our clients are entitled to. 

The Importance of Legal Representation

Having legal representation can be important when dealing with workers' compensation claims. A workers' compensation attorneys can help protect your rights, negotiate with insurance companies, and work to recover fair compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and any other applicable damages. 

Dirk J. Derrick
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South Carolina Lawyer Dirk Derrick helps victims recover from car accidents, personal injury & wrongful death.